Pursuing Your Passions is a B!@#$!

Episode 23- Some Reel Debaters with Michael Petrow

The Rogue Scientist Productions

Today, we discuss the journey of Michael Petrow! Thank you for joining our journey through the arts. Like we always say "Pursuing your Passions is a Bitch... But it's worth it!"

Please Check out our friend, Michael Petrow-
His Website- https://www.thereeldebaters.ca/

Also Check us out and our future projects at The Rogue Scientist Productions
Website- https://theroguescientistproductions.com/
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087537946337
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/roguescientistproductions/

Check out "The World Beyond" by Charles Dockham on Kindle Vella- https://www.amazon.com/kindle-vella/story/B0BMZPTP6G

Check out "The Beautiful Beast" by Carolyn Clark on Kindle Vella-https://www.amazon.com/kindle-vella/story/B0BVMNPBKZ

Check out Watsynthebox- Guest host William Thornhill- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094728966282&mibextid=b06tZ0

The Rogue Scientist Productions (00:00.896)
Thank you and welcome to Pursuing Your Passions as a Bitch. I'm your host, Charles Dockham, the owner of the Rhodes Scientist Productions and the author of The World Beyond, an ongoing Kind of Velo story. With me, I have Michael Petro, the host of the Real Debaters podcast. Michael?

Micheal Petrow (00:16.539)
Hello, sir, how you doing?

The Rogue Scientist Productions (00:18.544)
I'm doing well myself. Thank you so much for being on our show.

Micheal Petrow (00:22.226)
Oh, thanks for reaching out, man. I, my wife is like, you have the best time. You go and sit and talk about yourself because you do like to do that all the time and all of the other conversations we have in life. You go lock yourself in that room and have fun. So I'm looking forward to this.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (00:37.608)
Awesome. Well, the very first thing I kind of want to ask you about is just kind of how you got started in podcasting.

Micheal Petrow (00:48.31)
Uh, honestly, and truthfully, it was, uh, it was a little bit of an accident. I tried to get into a local college here that produces a program called CRECOM, which is short for creative communications. And what that does is you basically take that program and you can get into like media, you can get into film, you can get into journalism, you can get into PR. Like it's this.

Micheal Petrow (01:11.534)
It's this unbelievable access point here where I'm from in Winnipeg at Red River College that teaches you all these things and then you can go off and like master in one in your second year. Super intense course, it's like, it's two years. Usually it's about four years of school condensed into two. I thought I'm gonna do that because everybody keeps telling me that I should do something and talk. Something where I don't shut up and I get to do my free form thinking and.

Micheal Petrow (01:37.794)
that'd probably be a good way to start it. So I'm 40. I did this a couple years ago, so I was an adult student, I guess they say. And I got denied. They didn't even tell me why. They were just like, yep, try again next year. And I was like, no, you're not even telling me what I did wrong, so you don't get my money. And I got really bummed out. And podcasting was like the big thing that had just been introduced to this course. And like I was a stranger to it. Like I heard about him.

Micheal Petrow (02:07.318)
But I wasn't, I'm not the guy who was there when they first started. I didn't even know what an RSS feed was. I don't even know if I'm saying it's right, it's RSS or RSS, SSS. Anyways, point is, I thought, I don't need to go to school to learn this. And I basically, with a big middle finger to Red River, I was like, fuck you, sorry, if you have to cut that out. But I went and...

The Rogue Scientist Productions (02:32.644)
Oh no, it's called the road sciences productions that pursuing your passions is a bitch. You're fine.

Micheal Petrow (02:39.308)
Okay, okay. But I basically gave two fingers to the school and was like, I'm going to figure this out on my own. And that's literally how it started. And I do things backwards. I bought the gear with no idea. I learned how to record with no name for the show. Like I did all the things way out of order. Just that's how my brain works. But

Micheal Petrow (03:00.414)
It literally started because someone told me I couldn't do it. And then I was like, well, I don't need you. So I'm going to do it on my own. So that's the short-ish version of how I got into it.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (03:11.656)
Oh, well, that's it's still a very fun hobby that I've started getting into. But I mean, it's even starting to turn into a little bit of a job right now. But it's it's I mean, it's it's a very low barrier of entry is kind of what I've kind of found to kind of get started. But the learning involved in terms of getting your self marketed to sound good and everything associated with it is.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (03:38.836)
big. Like you have to have the voice, you have to have the knowledge to be able to do the marketing. You have to, like you said, RSS feed. You don't necessarily know what that is. I don't know what that is. I just know if I copy the link over the thing and put it on my website page, it shows up. And so, but no, it's a really interesting passion, actually. And I'm finding through the timeframe that I've done it. It's

Micheal Petrow (03:53.184)

The Rogue Scientist Productions (04:08.372)
been fun. I hate editing and that's the bane of all existence in terms of post. But in terms of everything, I really enjoy it. And so how long have you been doing podcasting?

Micheal Petrow (04:27.807)
Just to piggyback what you just said, man, it's turned into a passion. It's turned in, like it's anything in the creative, when you're creative, no matter what it is, ballet to symphony to film to dinner theater, like it's an outlet which becomes obsessive because the more you do it, the more fun you have at it while at the same time, hopefully getting better at it.

Micheal Petrow (04:51.986)
And then editing isn't so daunting. Like I would edit and have a panic attack when I first started this. Cause I was like, I don't know what I'm doing. Nobody is here to tell me if this is even wrong, nevermind right. And I don't know what to measure right against because I've never done this before. But then it turns into this thing and it just spirals and it's great. But for you to answer your question, five years last November, 2022, we started in...

Micheal Petrow (05:21.538)
Started in like early, mid 2018. So it's been five years, which like COVID's in between there. So two of those years, I can't, like, I have to listen to the episodes to remember, cause I'm like, let's just get through this. But at the same time, let's make episodes. But five years is the total.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (05:38.212)
Yeah, and you've probably seen, at least with a lot of the changes that they've been doing now, I know that iHeartRadio started adding podcasting, I know Apple Music started adding podcasting, but that was only within the last few years. That wasn't from the beginning.

Micheal Petrow (05:59.519)
No, no, no, no, no, no. Like, I've been through three hosting sites, because I'm not Jeff Bezos and, you know, neither of you, we don't have the server farm to be able to do this. But I've been through three different hosting sites. Two of them were bought.

Micheal Petrow (06:15.658)
Like you woke up one day and you were with XYZ company and the next day you got an email saying that someone else has purchased this. We can't promise we're gonna keep everything, things might be changing and you're like, this is not fun. And so like everybody scaled up. Everybody has gone full bore. Like watching it go from Apple podcasts, really being the only thing to Spotify then being like, oh, we should probably do these to Spotify owning.

Micheal Petrow (06:44.71)
a ton of production companies, like everybody wants the Spotify deal, to now YouTube being able to let you put a podcast on their site and it now be found under YouTube music. Like everybody is realizing that this is either you have a podcast and you've got 10 other things and they all work together, you just have a podcast. But it's insane to watch the business part of this just explode.

Micheal Petrow (07:11.566)
Because everyone's just buying production companies, and buying podcasts, and having a podcast, and turning a radio program into a podcast. I have a really hard thing about that. This shouldn't be done. It's not a podcast. But just everybody and their dog has one now. And I mean, it's kind of funny to be like, well, what do you do? And I'm like, well, I have a podcast. They're like, what? And I'm like, I have a podcast like every other person on the planet right now.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (07:27.468)
Thank you.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (07:39.548)
Yeah and i kind of agree there's there's a couple shows that i would agree would be good as a podcast but when it comes to actual radio shows i don't see those as as podcast there just radio shows at that point there just recording and putting out the in a different.

Micheal Petrow (07:54.667)
Yeah. My wife's best friend is in radio, and when I hear their radio show, but you turn into a podcast, I'm like, come on, man. I'm up against you.

Micheal Petrow (08:08.35)
Like, you shouldn't be able to sit in the world of like, of play, where you can talk about anything. That's the greatest thing. You can talk about ants. If you really got a good idea and you wanna talk about ants, fire ants, and ant poison, and ant whatever, you can go on and on, but when a radio show, which is supposed to be a radio show, which is designed as a radio show, mimics itself as a podcast, you're just saturating a market, and it's like, come on, we're not dumb.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (08:37.864)
No. And that is a really good point because, um, about the ants, because that's the, that's the beauty of being a podcasters. You can literally talk about anything and everything that you want to talk about and no one can stop you. There's no, there's nothing that just says no one's going to listen to your ant show. Um, we're not going to put that on. It's the ant shows being published regardless and somebody will listen to it.

Micheal Petrow (09:01.793)
Exactly. Totally agree with you, man. Like, and that's, it's, it's, what's the word I'm saying? It's, it's still the Wild West of podcasting, like, and, and

Micheal Petrow (09:14.498)
with stuff like the CRTC in Canada, and there was a bill that was put before the government where like online content creation was gonna start to be really looked at because there's content being made in Canada, but it's not for Canadians. So they realized that they were gonna remap some of the ruling behind if you make content in Canada, some of it has to be geared toward Canadians. And I'm like, you can't come for podcasts. That's the thing. Like we're not here to make things for Canadians who like ants. We're here for everybody who likes ants. Like you...

Micheal Petrow (09:44.094)
There's people who listen to the show in India and I'm like, I bet you they're just listening to our show to learn how to like, like practice English and I applaud them for whatever reason, but you can't you can't come from broadcast.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (09:59.204)
I had, I looked at my statistics from when we first started the podcast and we had one listener in France. Yeah, I was just like, who downloaded my podcast in France?

Micheal Petrow (10:08.038)
Right? That's the it's the craziest thing we had like we had like seven people in like regularly seven people in Montana, I think.

Micheal Petrow (10:28.734)
maybe Montana, wherever the Latter-day Saints congregate. And we couldn't figure out if it was seven people or one guy with six wives. Like we couldn't put, we didn't know who it was, but it was seven for a long time. Yeah, oh no, we would shout them out, man. We would be like, hey man, wherever you guys are, thanks. And like, let us know, is this a family or is this?

The Rogue Scientist Productions (10:45.92)
Hey, when you have those diehard fans, it's the greatest feeling.

Micheal Petrow (10:56.662)
Seven different households from the same father. I'm sorry. Anyways, what it will go on.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (11:04.76)
Uh, so, uh, I know that you said that you've been doing it for five years, but, um, so what have been kind of the highlights of those timeframes? What has been kind of the highlight of your podcast career?

Micheal Petrow (11:17.635)
Like, I'm lucky in a lot of ways. Not blessed, hashtag blessed, none of that stuff. I'm just lucky in certain scenarios. Things just kind of come up millhouse for me. And doing this. My day job is in construction rentals. But when I say that, I mean...

Micheal Petrow (11:38.294)
construction tools get used by multiple and various industries. So I live in Manitoba and up here in Manitoba, we have an insane tax credit for the film and television industry. You get 65% back of your budget if you film here. And I work, excuse me, sorry, I'm drinking liquid to stay hydrated here. Where I work, I rent to the film and TV industry.

Micheal Petrow (12:01.994)
So I get to, in my day job, talk to productions and stunt people and assistant directors and whatnot. And I'm very lucky in that I love film and I don't love construction, but I realized there was an industry here that needed support, so I buried my ass into it and head first with my ass, whatever that means. And I have cultivated all of the interviews that I do on the show through the film industry.

Micheal Petrow (12:30.63)
And I think that's one of my favorite moments is that it the day job bridged into the late night hobby. But it's something that I absolutely love. So I get to like, I get to talk to them about their job. And then I get to interview them about all the cool shit that they've done. So that probably the biggest one is just the film community accepting some nerd who sits here in his basement.

Micheal Petrow (12:56.458)
and sends them emails being like, I'm a really big fan of what you do and I would love to talk to you. And I'm nervous as shit to talk to a carpenter. Like everybody in film makes me nervous because I respect what they do. So just the fact that the Winnipeg film, the Manitoba film industry, sorry everybody, but the Manitoba film industry has accepted us without much judgment, which we deserve a little bit. We're stupid, but that was a big one. And the other one, which is like the name drop one, I think everybody should have one of these.

Micheal Petrow (13:27.406)
Uh, my, my best friend works at skip the dishes and skip the dishes came from Winnipeg, you're talking to somebody who lives in the town where skip the dishes was invented and, uh, they were doing a promotion with Kevin Smith for movies, for the pop-up, for the, all the food from the view of skew universe, all the Kevin Smith movies that you were going to sell through, uh, skip the dishes and pop-ups and they were going to do it, uh, an hour long Instagram jam with him. And.

Micheal Petrow (13:56.342)
three months before this even happened, I was like, hey man, if you're in a room and somebody says, hey, do you know a guy who could do this? That's where you say my name. And you don't say my name until someone asks that question. Just don't say my name until then. And two months go by and then I get a text, he's like, you should be sitting down for this. So I sat down and he was like, yeah, you're like the guy.

Micheal Petrow (14:22.422)
Like they asked me and now you're the guy they want to meet you and they want you to talk to Kevin Smith for an hour on our Instagram about all things Kevin Smith. Cause I said that you were an absolute, you know, like fan fanatic for him. And, uh, so I, uh, I went into that meeting, not knowing my worth, not knowing, uh, anything about, uh, doing, uh, any sort of Q and a, any sort of talk with anybody, like I'd only seen them.

Micheal Petrow (14:52.022)
So I was like, all right, I'll just, I made up, I faked everything. I made up a bunch of shit. I said shit I couldn't, didn't even know if I could do. And they were like, how much do you cost? And I said, a hundred skip, a hundred dollars in skip credits, please. Cause that's not knowing your worth. Probably could have made $500 doing that, but I made a hundred dollars. I had two meals at the keg from skip. And, but I got to interview Kevin Smith for an hour and I have the video and I have the episode, the episode you can listen to.

Micheal Petrow (15:22.47)
And it's just me talking to him about like movies and moose jaws and basically having all the questions I would want to ask asked and then it's just me and him. And so that's number two. And then if I can say number three, and it's most important out of them, not there's no order here, would be like, I've become better friends with people who I've been friends with forever because they decided to say, yes, I'll do the show with you because there's seven of us plus me.

Micheal Petrow (15:50.23)
I do this with one of my best friends. I've made friends out of it. I've traveled. I've learned how to talk in front of crowds. I do live events now. I just do a bunch of shit I never, ever, ever thought I could do, would do, or would even try to do at this age. So that right there is doing it with my friends. All of these things were done with my friends and people on the show. I think I'm better for it, but hey, that's for them to say.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (16:18.044)
Yeah, I've actually, I've enjoyed the process of podcasting so much because it allows me to meet new people like yourself and everyone across the board. I think the one thing I could say in terms of my highlight moment that I've kind of had where I kind of looked at it and I was like, wow, we've already kind of made it. I wasn't looking at the downloads. I wasn't looking at the other thing. I received a book from one of my guests.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (16:47.768)
And I was like the moment that you start receiving swag from your guests or from somebody you just you just and you're not sending it out. You're the one receiving it. I was just like, that's the moment.

Micheal Petrow (16:50.514)
Oh. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, dude, I know what you're saying. I interviewed somebody and like they didn't send me the book and it's fine, but they were like, I'll send you my book. And I was like, Oh, I think I'm in that room.

Micheal Petrow (17:12.534)
I'm in the room where the people you talk to send you their shit. And that's a good room to be in. Cause that's the other room you were in was where you had to pay for that shit. Ah, and you'll always have that book. Totally. Totally.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (17:21.636)
Exactly. And so I have their books sitting right in front of me. I will always remember. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's been a great feeling. And I've actually found that the podcasting industry has been very accepting. I try to be an author and I try to get my work out that way. And I find that the writing industry is a little bit.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (17:49.94)
toxic at times you have snobbish people who are definitely out there trying to just make sure that They're out for themselves that kind of thing So you always turn to have that no matter what industry you're in but the podcasting industry I have found is very accepting. Everybody's just like just talk to me. I just want to talk

Micheal Petrow (18:10.385)
Yeah, no, you're right. And the thing is, is that if you know, if you know, and this is like a thing about podcasting that I learned, but I think it's something that every podcaster learns and knows. There's like a check, like a box we all check at certain points.

Micheal Petrow (18:28.51)
One of them is, is everybody wants to talk about themselves. No matter what it's just, how do you talk to them about that? And the easiest thing is to come up with a bunch of questions and say, Hey, would you like to talk about these? And then they go, yeah. And you go, okay, cool. Cause podcasting is just dinner without food. Yeah, you are.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (18:45.32)
Exactly. You're getting to know someone on such an intimate level.

Micheal Petrow (18:53.046)
But like, there's no food to get in the way. Cause usually do this over dinner or some sort of like some, some sort of edible thing is involved where, and then you're like, is it in my teeth or whatever, or do I look stupid eating? I'm eating in front of people. Like get that all out of the way, get all that formal shit out. And then yeah, like you just, you just talk to people and, and you just, you got to know what you're talking about. You just can't ask them anything. Like what's your favorite zoo animal? Like get out of that. But.

Micheal Petrow (19:21.61)
at the same time, just everybody, you just gotta find out what they like to talk about, and then ask them to talk about it. And you'll be better for it too, because you'll learn some shit along the way. Oh. Oh. Yeah, okay.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (19:29.86)
Exactly. I had a surreal experience just this morning. So I had a guest on the show and their publicist came on first. And so she was the intermediary between me and the guest. Yeah. And so I immediately was talking to her. I'm like, what do you want me to discuss on the show? What do you want me to highlight?

Micheal Petrow (19:51.502)
I'm going to go ahead and turn it off. I'm going to go ahead and turn it off. I'm going to go ahead and turn it off.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (20:01.148)
Yeah, no, it was-

Micheal Petrow (20:01.744)
No, I know what you're talking about. The NDA thing, because it is an IP. It is a recorded version of events that we have a lot of control over and can do a lot of things with. It's like the, don't piss off.

Micheal Petrow (20:24.426)
the people who bring your food and don't piss off the last person you did a podcast with because we can edit you out. No, we won't. We don't. Me and Charles here do not do that, ladies and gentlemen, but you can. And I understand it. It's weird, but I understand it.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (20:33.385)

The Rogue Scientist Productions (20:39.084)
Mm-hmm. No, it's it's such an interesting environment to kind of get into. And I can say you've been doing it for five years. I've just been doing it for the last few months and have been associating it with the business. I created the Road Scientist Productions, but it's been a blast kind of getting from there to here. And I just finished editing and putting up my 10th episode to be.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (21:09.12)
um put out uh this middle of the month um so i'm happy to finally hit double digits but um yeah um and then it's going to be 40 episodes by September so that's going to be fun no um but yeah

Micheal Petrow (21:16.535)
Nice, man. That's insane. That's insane. Like I do one maybe, like I do six a month maybe, but I'm a week behind on everything. So we're, like I tried.

Micheal Petrow (21:37.738)
I tried to be like entertainment tonight or like variety or deadline and be like on the ball and riding the wave. Oh my God. I had a panic attack. I was like, I can't keep up. Like there's not enough hours in the day to like be a current news provider of your podcast because film is like, what I envy about you is that you get to talk to anybody about everything. Right? I talk to people in a market that is like.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (22:01.352)

Micheal Petrow (22:06.95)
the biggest niche market outside of true crime. True crime wins all day long, but entertainment and comedy are neck and neck in that third and fourth race for genre. We're just a movie podcast in a sea movie podcast. So if I could do it over ever, it would be like, give yourself some more rope, sir.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (22:29.976)
Yeah, and it's been a blast. I've been trying to. So like you said, I've given myself enough slack where I can interview just about anybody because you can gear anything towards getting started in the entertainment industry. I'm having, or I had an SEO person who was very big in terms of what their knowledge on search engine optimization was. And so I had them on the podcast.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (23:00.352)
because everybody who's getting into the industry needs to learn more about SEO. I'm having someone who's a business leader in terms of developing small businesses and all that on the podcast, because everybody who kind of starts doing this starts creating their own LLCs. And so they need to learn more about business and need to learn about how that kind of fits into everything. So it's one of those things where you kind of take...

Micheal Petrow (23:27.325)
Or if you're me, you're a sole proprietor and you run the gamble of not being incorporated.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (23:33.884)
Exactly. And I'm having a historian on tomorrow. And why? Because a huge piece of writing is doing your research. Yeah. And so I'm talking to the research pretty much. I'm talking to the person who does the research for the authors who research off of them. So

Micheal Petrow (23:42.239)

Micheal Petrow (23:55.153)
That's that no that's really interesting like I I thought about doing it because our whole like gag line like the the original tagline is where real life meets real life and it's the movie real versus the actual real and I was like I'm gonna bring a cop on and I'm gonna talk to a cop about all the things they see in in movies that are wrong.

Micheal Petrow (24:16.618)
And all that makes is one hour long complaint. So like, because they don't do anything really right. That's the, like, it's all, you know, it's not the mundane paperwork side of being a cop. It's the, it's the shootout that would never exist in real broad daylight, because 20 people will get shot. So yeah, like I've, I've tried to do that, but like, like I said, I left myself too short. I think that's great though. Like finding like,

The Rogue Scientist Productions (24:21.582)

The Rogue Scientist Productions (24:36.428)

Micheal Petrow (24:45.298)
If I could say anything about getting into the entertainment industry and I'm like peripheral, I'm proxy, I'm not like really in it, I'm about it, I love it, I know a lot about it, but I'm not in it so much. But say like, that's true, say yes to everything. Every time someone's asked me to do an event or a gig or host a thing, I'm like, yeah, I can do that. And I don't know if I can, but it's easier to figure out how than it is to say yes when you've said no.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (25:14.468)
Yeah, and it's lost opportunities if you've said no.

Micheal Petrow (25:14.858)
or say no when you've said yes. Yeah, no one comes back from that. No, I can't do it. All right, moving on to the next, right? Like I did not know if I could talk to Kevin Smith without like just losing my absolute fucking shit all over the table. Or if I could lock it in, lock it in and talk straight. And I'm really glad that I did because the one thing

Micheal Petrow (25:42.754)
that I learned from that is they're just a person. They're really just a person. Yeah.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (25:50.076)
Mm-hmm. And that's the one piece, like you said, going back to what we were talking about earlier. It's the date without the food. You're getting to know them one-on-one. You're getting to know them in person. And so, I mean, it's a huge piece.

Micheal Petrow (26:09.61)
Yeah, no, it's just a lot of fun to have with a podcast. You have a lot of fun. And a lot of people are like, ooh, ooh, I'll talk to you. You didn't think people would talk to you before, but they will.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (26:20.604)
Yeah, and sometimes what I've kind of found is you start getting to know people in so many different industries and you start getting to know people with just their passions and kind of getting to know them in particular. I had another guest on just a few weeks ago and I found out that not only is he a musician and has a rock band, but he's also a business.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (26:50.012)
um person who stands in front of the crowds up on the stage telling people how like you you gotta say yes you gotta make sure you're doing this he's he's he's both he's playing both hats at the same time and he was one of he was a very interesting guest to try to talk to you meet so many interesting people doing this yeah

Micheal Petrow (27:06.035)

The Rogue Scientist Productions (27:12.548)
Yeah. So another thing that I kind of wanted to ask you about, I know that you said that you've been doing this for a while and so what has been like the biggest struggle you've run into?

Micheal Petrow (27:26.088)
Oh, self-promotion is so slimy to me sometimes. And I'm so, I'm in my head person. I'm an extrovert with a very loud introvert that likes to say dumb shit that I sometimes fall for. And like, I...

Micheal Petrow (27:45.746)
I just, I wrestle with it the most. I don't have a problem making a thing. I don't have a problem taking notes and being guided. Like I've done some shorts with my friends and I've been in some dumb movies and stuff. Like I grew up in performing arts. Like I sang and I danced and I acted from a very young age. So being in front of people, I haven't done it for a long time. So I'm still incredibly rusty. I'm not saying like I nail it, but like.

Micheal Petrow (28:15.49)
I remember a time when I would walk away and be like, yeah, I crushed, right? Like at whatever I was doing. And it was just having that confidence to be out there. But like promoting it is, I fucking hate. And I know it's part of the game. I know it is. Like I, and I really love when people, like we just did a trivia night last week, our first one. And it was so much fun and everybody had a blast. And, and.

Micheal Petrow (28:42.998)
but promoting us at that thing, I shut the bet at. I was like, yeah, we're the real debaters podcast, moving on, right? I didn't sell it, and I have taglines, and I have one-liners, and I have a press kit, and I have all of the things, right? But when it comes to executing it, I pay for social media, well, I don't pay for social media. We all pay for social media when you think about it, but.

Micheal Petrow (29:11.858)
I pay for a company to let me do graphics, like my own graphics, right, and my own shit, my own Instagram, my own, this is how bad I am, I don't even know what I'm talking about, but like my own social media, I pay post on my wall to let me like put on big captions and shit, right? And like I love making that, that's fun, right? And I got templates, because my brain thinks, I'm neurodivergent, so my brain thinks in,

Micheal Petrow (29:38.546)
in template and like list form and stuff. And everything is awesome, but writing about it, promoting it, saying it out loud, I just feel like I'm such a loser. It's a lot of like, what do they say? False, false advertising. Lack of a better word. I just feel like it just sounds so fucking stupid.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (30:05.864)
Yeah, I've gone through the process of getting business charts. I think that's the easiest thing I've found is that I can just hand them out here. Here's who we are. At least it's in your pocket.

Micheal Petrow (30:16.243)
Yeah. Oh, totally, totally. Well, like, we do our live shows, right? Like, we've done three of them, and we're like, are you ready to mass debate with the real debaters, right? Like, it's, like, we have this dumb shtick, and we know what we are, but, like, if you were to, like, if you were to really...

Micheal Petrow (30:37.066)
Like I have a hard time posting the most recent episode stuff. I have a hard time being like, hey, check out what we're doing. Because I'm like, I'm just puking my shit all over you. I know it's not me like, you know, Kardashian it up somewhere that is worthless. Like I do think we offer a brand of funny that is a combination between quick lines and, you know, movie review and, and cinephilia.

Micheal Petrow (31:02.546)
And in between that, there's a filmmaker and there's people who work in their blue collar, their left, their right. Like we have a good space of people. I'm rambling. The point is promoting all of that and packaging it. I just, I get really self-conscious about that. That's the hardest part, but not doing it. Doing it's easy.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (31:26.544)
Yeah, no, I do find that this is the easiest part. I, the, so the thing that kind of bugs me, I mean, I, I, I'm one of those people who, who's basically turned my entire social media into a, and I'll just, it came out, here's our stuff. But when it comes to editing and putting it up onto like, we use Buzzsprout. So uploading it's, it's pulling from Riverside.

Micheal Petrow (31:50.8)

The Rogue Scientist Productions (31:55.36)
putting it into our editing software, making sure everything sounds good, and then re-uploading into Buzzsprout, and then you kind of set it, and then you're just like, I can't touch this, because I've had the upload fail so many times, just from touching the computer in it, so I have to sit there and watch the computer as it's going from the full 100%, because just...

Micheal Petrow (32:13.766)
are you are you supported by Riverside at all like do they sponsor your show

The Rogue Scientist Productions (32:21.388)
Uh, they haven't sponsored my sh- or well, we are an affiliate. So primarily, um, yeah. So everything that we try to use, we try to become an affiliate for. Yeah.

Micheal Petrow (32:28.023)
Okay. I was just. Okay, okay, okay, okay. I got it. I got it. Because, yeah, no, I just like, I could tell you, I mean, I could tell you a hundred things now or I could tell you them really faster later if you wanted like just tips and tricks and stuff that like you.

Micheal Petrow (32:50.25)
Yeah, I'll tell you later if you want, but yeah, it's the anxiety of the edit is you are very right about that. Like I record in triplicate because I'm so paranoid. Yeah, no, I know. I know there's a lot. There's it's it's and that's the thing, too. It's like it's just like film. It's just like TV. It's just like getting it in the can. Right. And once it's in the can, then.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (33:00.572)
Yeah, if one goes down, if only one goes down, that's an episode lost.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (33:16.979)

Micheal Petrow (33:18.058)
Man, that's a good feeling. You're like, oh, OK. But yeah, I have 100 edits of a thing just at a paranoia of losing the last most hard worked on one.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (33:28.272)
Exactly. No, I think we are coming to the end of our show for now. I would like to thank you for being on our show and thank you for everything. Are there anything that or is there anything that you would like any of our listeners to follow you on? Is there any websites that you would like them to visit? Is there any social media that you'd like them to see?

Micheal Petrow (33:50.939)
Yeah, okay, here I'll do that thing I hate. Yeah, no, you can do the stainless steel promotion. I can do it. I just need a shower after. Okay, yeah, so if you want to follow us, if you like, if what I've said is interesting, we are the Real Debaters podcast. Basically, we are where the power of debate meets the art of cinema.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (33:54.634)
Yeah, the shameless self promotion.

Micheal Petrow (34:13.59)
We love to phrase dumb questions and debate them. For example, should Sylvester Stallone have his own summer camp? Would Arnold Schwarzenegger be a great sex ed teacher? And other questions we answer on the show. We also interview a ton of cool people who are in film, Canadian, American, abroad, close to home. We live in a big film province. So if you wanna learn about what we talk about and how we talk about it with our patented debate formulas.

Micheal Petrow (34:40.606)
at Real Debaters, R-E-E-L, Debaters, spelled the original way on Twitter. And actually, it's Real Debaters Pod on Twitter and on Instagram, and then on Facebook, it's the Real Debaters Podcast. Just follow the show. We're weekly, we punch out every Thursday, mostly in the evenings. We go well with a glass of adult drink or herb. It'll make you laugh a lot harder. And yeah, no, there's 203 episodes on Twitter.

Micheal Petrow (35:10.182)
us, we're Spotify, Apple Podcasts. You can find anywhere you get your podcast, you can find us. And lastly, we have Shorts. So like if you don't have time or you don't wanna listen to us Yammer for two hours, we have shorter clips of the show. Real Debaters Pod Shorts on YouTube. That's R-E-E-L, Debaters Pod Shorts on YouTube. There it is. How'd I do? Thanks, man.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (35:33.132)
You did great. Thank you so much. As for me, you'll be able to find us on our website, the road scientist productions dot com, where we have our merchandise and links to my story on Kindle fellow, the world beyond. You also have all of our road scientists, social media platforms, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr. I'm still working on some of the others, but the best way to support us is to like our podcast on your favorite platform podcast platform of choice and let us know how much you've enjoyed our show.

The Rogue Scientist Productions (36:01.288)
We want to thank you, Michael, for being on our show today and thank our guests for being for listeners for joining us as well. This has been our podcast to all of those out there looking to start a new career in the arts, such as acting, writing, music, comedy and podcasting. Always remember, pursuing your passions is a bitch, but it's worth it.

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