Pursuing Your Passions is a B!@#$!

Episode 13- What is Love with Kim Sorrelle

The Rogue Scientist Productions

Today, we discuss Love of Kim Sorrelle! Thank you for joining our journey through the arts. Like we always say "Pursuing your Passions is a Bitch... But it's worth it!"

Please Check out our friend, Kim Sorrelle-
Her Website- https://www.kimsorrelle.com/
Kindle Author Page- https://www.amazon.com/stores/Kim-Sorrelle/author/B09HHHTV1M?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

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Check out "The World Beyond" by Charles Dockham on Kindle Vella- https://www.amazon.com/kindle-vella/story/B0BMZPTP6G

Check out "The Beautiful Beast" by Carolyn Clark on Kindle Vella-https://www.amazon.com/kindle-vella/story/B0BVMNPBKZ

Check out Watsynthebox- Guest host William Thornhill- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094728966282&mibextid=b06tZ0

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (00:01.826)
Thank you and welcome to pursuing your passions as a bitch. I am your host Charles Dockerman. I am the owner of the Road Scientist Productions. You will find some of my work on Kindle Vella with the story, The World Beyond, an ongoing series being published every other week. With me, I have my guest, Kim Sorel, the author of this story. Give me one second. I was looking everything up this morning and I had you up.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (00:32.706)
Kim? I'm doing quite well. Thank you for being our guest today. I have your book pulled up and you were telling me some stories beforehand about being chased by bikers. So one thing I kind of wanted to ask was what kind of got you started in writing and what kind of got you started on this project?

Kim Sorrelle (00:33.25)
Yes. How are you, Terrells?

Kim Sorrelle (00:58.57)
Well, on this particular project, I've always loved to write, by the way. And I've been an entrepreneur my whole life, so I've had a lot of businesses. And writing is part of having businesses quite often. And so anyway, so I like to write. But what started me on this is a few years ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. And four months later, my husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (01:03.727)

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (01:22.593)

Kim Sorrelle (01:28.97)
just six weeks after that. And it made me question some things. You know, I lost the love of my life. I was in my 40s and all of a sudden alone when I thought I would be 95 years old, be that couple on rockers on the front porch drinking lemonade and smiling at each other or whatever it is that 95 year olds do on the front porch. And all of a sudden I had to reinvent my life and figure things out. And one of the things that made me question

Kim Sorrelle (01:58.83)
I wanted to make sure I was doing this life, right and and I thought man, I don't know if I understand it entirely I loved my husband for sure. I love people but am I doing it the way I'm supposed to really be doing it Do I really understand love because it seems to be this mystery around love like, you know, whatever Ed Sheeran sings about it and Nicholas Sparks writes about it, but there are always you could There's a question like what is love really?

Kim Sorrelle (02:28.59)
I decided I would figure it out. So that is what inspired love is.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (02:35.286)
That's amazing. And I'm so sorry to hear about your husband and your cancer diagnosis. But I think you said that everything's all right. Now, looking into the project, can you tell some of the stories that kind of you happen to go through during the project of love is

Kim Sorrelle (02:57.57)
Sure. Yeah. So what I did is I decided I would dedicate a full year to figuring out the true meaning of love, go on this quest to find it to figure out what it really is. And I'll tell you, Charles, I have a hard time committing to an entree when I go out for dinner. So to commit a whole year to something was a real stretch for me. But I decided I do it. And so I use this 2000 year old poem that you hear at a lot of weddings.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (03:21.026)

Kim Sorrelle (03:27.81)
Love is kind does not envy does not boast etc and I decided I would take one word a month and figure out what is love that is patient what is love that is kind and The majority of the time I was working on it. I was in Haiti so it was very much a eat praise love kind of experience and The things that I found out about love are crazy things that I never knew that I'd never been taught and things that I was not

Kim Sorrelle (03:57.75)
eye-opening and every month it took me the entire month because it seems so simple right love is patient you know we know what patience is like that should be so easy love is kind you know we know what kind is but every month was a struggle for me to really figure out what love that is kind is and what love that is patient is and so it's it was crazy crazy stuff

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (04:25.426)
No, and that's actually pretty amazing that you took each bit of the poem and then focused on trying to apply that to the daily life so that way that you have, you can try and understand it. And you were able to bring that information that you learned from trying to do that and give it to your readers. And that's an amazing accomplishment.

Kim Sorrelle (04:53.21)
Well, it was something that I really needed to do, whether it became a book, whether anybody ever wanted to publish it or not, I really needed to do it for myself. And so it was, it was an adventure for sure. Haiti is a unique country. It's the poorest country in the Western hemisphere. It's a land of very little opportunity with a whole lot of wonderful people. And so it, stuff happened. Like it took me all month.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (05:11.706)

Kim Sorrelle (05:23.15)
like I said, and it was like at the end of every month, I'd finally get hit over the head with what the answer for what is love that his patient is, because something big would happen. And then I go, ah, now I get it, now I understand.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (05:32.806)

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (05:38.947)
No, that's perfect. And so how long ago did you publish the book?

Kim Sorrelle (05:47.53)
Well, the book has been out since December, a year ago, December. So a year and a couple months ago.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (05:55.926)
That's amazing. And so did you choose to go with the traditional publishing route or did you go with self publishing?

Kim Sorrelle (06:04.13)
I did do traditional publishing and that was unique for me because my first book I self-published. So I've gone both ways. And so traditionally published, which I was surprised to get a publisher because you know how it is in the publishing world. You got to have a big platform and you got to be Obama or somebody, you know, you got to have a name so that they know they're going to sell books. You can't just be somebody like me.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (06:06.927)

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (06:12.591)

Kim Sorrelle (06:34.331)
There was a publisher that said, yes, we would like to publish your book.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (06:38.486)
Exactly. And that's that's a huge bit in the writing industry as a whole is that decision between doing traditional publishing or doing self publishing because of the pitfalls when it comes to trying to do the traditional publishing route. So have you found that you prefer going that route or would you if you were to write another book going forward choose to go back to the self publishing group.

Kim Sorrelle (07:10.85)
Well, I am working on another book right now, actually. I'm working on a grief book. I'm co-writing with a medium, actually. So it's interesting. And we haven't really discussed what we'll do. There's pros and cons to both. Finding a publisher can be tedious, can be horrible. I've got friends who are authors. I've got a good friend who's had New York Times about sellers and you'd think that then it'd be easy for her to get a publisher for whatever.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (07:16.106)

Kim Sorrelle (07:40.93)
idea she comes up with. And it's not, you know, she pitches publisher after publisher after publisher, and gets no one no one no sometimes. And then finally, yes, hopefully somewhere down the way, but Chicken Soup for the Soul that has sold half a billion books, they have like 140 rejections before they found a publisher that would publish. So it's not right, isn't that crazy? So it's not easy to get a publisher in today's world.

Kim Sorrelle (08:11.31)
I just got real fortunate. I only gave my book proposal to two different publishers and they both wanted it. It was crazy because very unexpected. I thought it was going to be a lot of work to do it or that I'd publish it myself. But I do think there's pros and cons to both. If you get a traditional publisher, then they give you money to write the book and you aren't putting out any money.

Kim Sorrelle (08:40.85)
Because if you traditionally publish, or if you self-publish, you're paying for the cover, and you're paying for the formatting, you're paying for the editors, you're paying for everything that goes into the book. But on the flip side of that, then you make a lot more money on every book sold than you do with a traditional publisher.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (08:57.19)

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (09:02.426)
Yes, and that's what I've been hearing kind of a lot when it comes to why there are some pros and cons to doing both methods, but it's really amazing, like you said, that you sent it out to two publishers and you got two yeses from two publishers almost immediately. So that's very fortunate there.

Kim Sorrelle (09:24.83)
Yeah, fortunate, unexpected, wonderful, and good. But then, you know, they give you a deadline. So that was fun. And you work with the editor that they pick rather than an editor that you pick. And so that can be interesting too.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (09:33.526)
Mm-hmm. Oh yeah.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (09:42.386)
Mm-hmm. And so what's kind of the, if you would like to describe to our listeners, what's kind of the process that once you kind of say yes to a publisher, what's kind of the process that you kind of go through? Did you have to have the full book done at that point? Or were you just proposing a book beforehand?

Kim Sorrelle (10:03.51)
Right, if you write a fiction book, then you do have to have the whole book done ahead of time. But if you're writing nonfiction, you really only need a chapter or two, and a strong book proposal. And they can look at that. And then, then, so the next step then was the deadline. So they gave me a deadline to finish the book, and then gave me an editor to work with. They have

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (10:05.991)

Kim Sorrelle (10:34.13)
two kinds of editors. One is more of a content editor just to make sure that you're not leaving something hanging like you know what you meant to say but is somebody gonna understand what you meant to say you know make sure that readability is very good and and then they also have an editor for all the punctuation and spelling and all of that stuff as well.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (11:00.326)
Okay, so there's many different eyes that kind of go onto your story before it's fully published. It's not just kind of handing it off to one person. One person goes through for the reader perspective, making sure that all that you're trying to say gets put out there. And then the other one's the grammar person who just goes through and just makes sure everything is spelled correctly, eyes are dotted, t's are crossed, you have the correct punctuation.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (11:30.226)
That's actually an amazing thing. And then from there, have you done any book tours since your launch? Or do they tell you about book tours that they want you to do after your launch?

Kim Sorrelle (11:44.15)
Well, most publishers have in-house publicists and my publisher is no different. They have an in-house publicist. They did, however, hire an outside publicist just for me because they believe strongly in the book and they really wanted to get it out there. And so you do work with a publicist, but really you've got to be your own publisher, your own advocate,

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (11:48.053)

Kim Sorrelle (12:14.07)
getting all the publicity, you can't really rely on the publisher to do that for you because they've got a bunch of books and they're limited in what they're going to do for you. So even if you go traditionally published, you can't just sit back. You have to move forward and be on social media and do a book tour that you set up yourself or speak at libraries, speak at different places, whatever it happens to be.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (12:21.393)

Kim Sorrelle (12:44.05)
Thanks for watching!

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (12:45.266)
That's actually really amazing in that. And it gives us a huge amount of insight in terms of the process, because you really do have to be your own cheerleader when it comes to releasing your project and making sure that, because writing the book itself takes a lot of effort. And then from there, once you've kind of felt that sense of accomplishment for doing that, now you have to make sure that it gets out to everybody you want it to get out to.

Kim Sorrelle (13:15.79)
Right, right, which is not easy. It's certainly not easy. It's a lot of work and you know, it's interesting because a lot of people wanna write a book. People think there's, I think everybody does have a book in them probably, right? So lots of people wanna write a book. Some people do write a book, but I think it's smart to have realistic expectations and know what your book is for.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (13:21.948)

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (13:27.106)
Thanks for watching!

Kim Sorrelle (13:45.85)
some incredible story, something that's happened in their life. And if you're a famous person and have this incredible story, then your book is going to sell. If you are just my neighbor and write a book about this incredible story, then it's going to be a wonderful thing, a wonderful legacy for your family. But whether or not people are going to grab a hold of it and you're going to have all these sales is a whole nother story. I mean, most books sell

Kim Sorrelle (14:15.81)
few books. And so it's, it's, you got to decide what your motivation is. But a book can also be a tool. Like for me, my book is really a tool. Because I speak, I'm a love coach, I do things that the book gives you credibility when you have a book. And so it opens doors for you. But I'm not relying on book

Kim Sorrelle (14:45.852)
for the rest of my life.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (14:51.328)
I definitely understand that, especially just because like you said, it's a hard thing to kind of pursue that. It's a hard thing to kind of push that. But you have your hand in different fires at the same time. And now you said you also said that you were a life coach as well. So what do you do on that aspect?

Kim Sorrelle (15:13.51)
Yeah, well, actually, it's a love coach. So I like I said, I found out things about love that that I never knew before. And I have stories that I'm happy to share. And are in my book. It's not a rainbows and unicorns kind of a book. It's the true nitty gritty, the stuff that really happened that brought me to realizations. And so when I coach, it's so easy in even one

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (15:16.411)
Oh, love catch.

Kim Sorrelle (15:43.43)
a whole different way and it changes every relationship in your life. So whether it's a partner or family members or neighbors or friends or somebody at the grocery store, it just changes everything and it can happen quickly just with some understanding of love.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (16:03.686)
Mm hmm. And what kind of inspired you to get into love coaching?

Kim Sorrelle (16:09.65)
I just am so passionate about the things that I found out about love that I want the world to know. I know that it changed my life, it's changing lives, and it would change the world. You know, there's so many things that we believe about love that aren't necessarily love. Like we think that love is a two-way street. We hear that all the time. And love is not a two-way street. Love is on you completely. You know, if I give you money and you give me a pair of jeans, that's a transaction.

Kim Sorrelle (16:39.59)
And love is not a transaction. If you give love to get love, you're gonna be disappointed and lonely and frustrated, but you give love because that's what love does, period. You have no control over anybody else but yourself. And so the amount of love that you give, you're not necessarily gonna get back what you expect you're gonna get back. You might get it in a different way or whatever, but love is just something that you do

Kim Sorrelle (17:09.772)
expectation of getting anything in return.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (17:12.446)
Mm-hmm. Yes, and I feel like everybody kind of needs that sometimes Outside perspective to try and make sure that they're doing everything right. I know that we have So many different books so many different stories people telling us how love should be what what I mean you have the different five different types of

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (17:42.406)
if you have your doing acts of kindness or making sure you're touching somebody or making sure you're really kind of showing those different aspects. And everybody kind of has different love languages is what I keep trying to think of, love languages. And so, yeah. And so sometimes it just kind of takes that outside perspective.

Kim Sorrelle (18:03.89)
Yeah, you're right. Right.

Kim Sorrelle (18:07.37)

Kim Sorrelle (18:12.05)
I think that's true and I think there is a lack of understanding. You know, I'll tell you, one of the words that was the hardest for me, one of the phrases was that love keeps no record of wrongs. Because we might forgive somebody, but we don't forget the things that happened to us. So I did them all in order according to the poem except that one, because I dreaded it. I thought, what could this even mean? Like what could it even mean? I was baffled by it.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (18:24.027)

Kim Sorrelle (18:42.15)
call from a man in the United States who wanted to bring a group over to look at a water project that I'd been working on and see if they wanted to get involved in it. And I said, sure, you know, that would be great. So eight men came over from the U.S. and then I brought two Haitian men with me who knew the water project inside and out and could translate and be there for us. And so we get out to the countryside where we're going to be staying.

Kim Sorrelle (19:12.51)
And it's just this little tiny building with two rooms. And each room has four twin size beds. So eight American men, two Haitian men and me. But we brought two cots with us and we brought an air mattress. So I'm thinking, well, we can move the beds around. We'll be fine. Well, the head of the American guys pulls me over. Kim, Kim, can I talk to you? I'm like, sure. And he said, did you see the rooms? And I'm thinking, buddy, there is nothing else to see.

Kim Sorrelle (19:42.11)
And then I thought, oh, he's going to think I want my own room. So I'll just say, well, it's OK. I'll sleep outside. And he'll say, oh, no, if anyone should sleep inside, it should be you. And I'll say, well, I don't care if there's other people in the room. And he'll say good, because there's only so much space. So I said, well, it's OK. I'll sleep outside. And he said, oh, good, good, because we've got men on this trip that would be very uncomfortable with a woman in their room. And Charles, I'm thinking, what is going to happen in the middle of the night

Kim Sorrelle (20:12.33)
that you only go into the room to sleep. We're not playing cards in there, strip poker or something, or pajamas to bed. Like what unimaginable thing could possibly happen that they're gonna be uncomfortable, that they're gonna make me sleep outside, but I offered, so I had to figure it out. So I saw this piece of plywood and it was held up by a couple wooden structures and I thought, well, if I sleep under that, at least I won't get wet. But I was scared to death because there are tarantulas and there are snakes

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (20:27.006)

Kim Sorrelle (20:42.23)
or whatever is lurking in the bushes of Haiti. And I thought, oh my gosh, you know, am I going to get maimed in the middle of the night? I was so afraid. So the first night I went to bed, I blew up the air mattress, put it underneath the wood, and the air mattress held air for about an hour. And then I was laying on gravel. And it was so loud. There were dogs barking and horns honking.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (21:02.551)

Kim Sorrelle (21:12.11)
drums started in the distance and that kept me awake. Finally, after a couple hours of that, I was able to doze off and get some sleep. First night came and went no problem. Second night, same thing. I blew up the air mattress just for the hour that it actually held the air and then the dogs, the horns, the voodoo drums and finally I'm asleep. But I woke up because there was something on my leg. And I thought, Oh, my word, does Haiti even have the anti venom to whatever

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (21:36.05)

Kim Sorrelle (21:42.05)
about to bite me, like can I get airlifted in time to save my leg, go to Miami or somewhere other than a Haitian hospital? I didn't know what it was gonna be and I was so afraid. So I slowly lifted my head and I slowly opened my eyes and it was a chicken. There's a dang chicken on my leg. And I didn't know whether to be mad because this chicken woke me up from the little bit of sleep I was getting or happy that it wasn't something much worse.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (22:12.006)

Kim Sorrelle (22:12.35)
Third night came and went no problem. Fourth night, I'm on the gravel, dogs, horns, rooted drums, then I'm sleeping. But again, I woke up because again, there was something on my leg. And again, I was scared to death at what could be on my leg. So again, I slowly lifted my head and I slowly opened my eyes. And again, it was the dang chicken. And again, I didn't know whether to be mad or happy. But the good news, Charles,

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (22:36.706)

Kim Sorrelle (22:42.19)
was that that night we had chicken for dinner. So the fifth night came and went with no incident whatsoever. So at first I was pretty upset with these guys. I was bitter. I was thinking who do they think they are? I was being treated sort of subhuman even, you know, having to sleep outside. Like what is that about? And I didn't like that feeling at all and I thought gosh I hope my sons wouldn't treat a woman like this. You know, what is this?

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (22:45.648)

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (22:54.834)

Kim Sorrelle (23:12.13)
me. We all know that, you know, it's not going to hurt them. They don't even know I'm upset. I'm the one that offered to sleep outside, right? So they don't know I'm mad. And so I thought, gosh, I can't be bitter. And then finally, it occurred to me what love keeps no record of wrongs is, I finally figured it out. So yeah, you don't forget the things that happen to you. But the narrative changes, the tone of the story changes.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (23:33.806)

Kim Sorrelle (23:42.09)
me instead of, oh my gosh, these rotten guys that did this rotten thing to me. It's, I had this experience. It's actually kind of funny. And now I could sleep anywhere in the world and be perfectly comfortable. Cause we get to pick the tone of the story. People don't get to pick that for us. Like people shouldn't have that power, you know, so love that keeps no record of runs, cause you're going to have two guys in the same traffic jam, right? And, and one guy shaking his fist and his blood pressure is going up and he's

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (23:54.006)
Thanks for watching!

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (24:05.427)

Kim Sorrelle (24:12.37)
and then the next car over they're going, wow, I really like Charles podcast, you know, I'm just gonna chill and listen to it. So same situation, but changing the narrative and that's what love that keeps no record of wrongs does.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (24:26.606)
That's a great story. And that's a great perspective on that as well and how to figure that out. And I know for the first, for at least myself trying to go through some of those things with my relationship with my fiance and everything that we're doing, I always try to keep a lot of that in mind in terms of love has no jealousy,

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (24:56.606)
love has no issues. And so, I mean, there's of course going to be issues, but just making sure to keep in mind, like you said, love has no record of wrongs. But on top of that, you said that you're now in the process of writing a book on grief. Now what kind of started that book?

Kim Sorrelle (25:16.51)
Yeah, so I happened to meet this woman who's a medium. She's absolutely wonderful in every possible way. I just love her. And she approached me about co-authoring a book. And I thought, gosh, what a great idea. Because grief is misunderstood, just like love is misunderstood. You know, we tend to judge people about their grief or we judge ourselves. We think we're grieving wrong because somebody wrote a book that said that these are the steps and if you don't take them,

Kim Sorrelle (25:46.47)
way. And so to sort of look at grief from a couple different angles than what people have really looked at grief before to release people and free people to live again and handle their grief and deal with grief a different way, look at it a different way is our plan. And so far the book's coming together great. I love it. It's fun.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (26:12.087)
That's amazing and what what's your planned release date for that one?

Kim Sorrelle (26:17.33)
Actually, we don't have a plan release date because we're continuing writing. We haven't written a book proposal. We haven't really even talked about how we're going to publish it. So we're still we're just writing and enjoying the process of writing right now.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (26:26.427)

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (26:35.046)
Yes. And okay. So that I really do like in terms of just for our listeners and who are trying to get into writing that sometimes you don't walk into a project with a planned release date on what you're trying to do. You just are enjoying the process of writing the story.

Kim Sorrelle (26:55.49)
Right, right. Yeah, because you got to enjoy it. You know, it's not always easy to make yourself sit down at the computer and type or however it is that that you decide to write and stay disciplined because it's a lot of words that go into a book, you know, so it's a lot of writing. And it takes a lot of time to do it. So it's a discipline for sure.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (27:15.206)

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (27:20.186)
And like you said earlier, everybody might have a story within them and whether or not they publish it to the world or publish it to their friends and family, it's an enjoyable process, a long process, it's a hard process, but it's an enjoyable process.

Kim Sorrelle (27:36.69)
Right, or it should be. If it's not enjoyable, just don't do it. It needs to be enjoyable. Right?

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (27:40.546)
Yeah, do the things you enjoy.

Kim Sorrelle (27:45.67)
Yeah, yeah, exactly.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (27:50.607)
Well, I think we're coming to the end of our podcast right now. I want to thank you, Kim, for being on our show. This has been an amazing conversation and it's been so great to get to meet you. Is there anything coming up that you would like our listeners to check out? Are there any social media accounts that you would like our listeners to follow? Anything?

Kim Sorrelle (28:15.15)
Yeah, absolutely. So I am literally the only Kim Sorrell spelled my way in the entire world because my last name is ridiculous. It has way too many letters, two R's, two E's, two L's, so R-R-E-L-L-E. So of course my website is kimsorrell.com because Sorrell is so easy, but it's not. But if you keep in mind, two R's, two L's, two E's. And so my website, I have a free 14 day love challenge on

Kim Sorrelle (28:45.05)
I will send you for free a WWLD, what would love do wristband. Cause if you can answer any question that way, you're gonna be doing the right thing. But I am on all the social platforms. I love connecting with people. I love hearing from people. I'm also a love coach. I've got very limited space, but that's available on my website to sign up for as well. And I'll tell you, it's like meeting with somebody once or twice changes everything in all their relationships.

Kim Sorrelle (29:15.09)
something that has to be ongoing. It's something that can happen pretty quickly. So before marriage or during marriage or whatever during life, you know, we all we all love, we all need to love the right way, know how to love the right way. And I have a TV show coming out. I am hosting a weekly TV show that TV talk show. It'll be on Wednesday nights at

Kim Sorrelle (29:45.55)
and I'll be interviewing, I'll have one guest per week. And so pretty good in-depth conversation to get to know one guest, celebrity guest. And so I'm excited about that.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (29:59.556)

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (30:01.846)
That's amazing. And what channel is that going to be on or what's that going to be put through?

Kim Sorrelle (30:09.67)
Yeah, it's on Bold Brave TV Network. And so it will be on Spotify TV, it will be on Amazon Fire, it'll be on several of the streaming platforms, as well as just the audio on iHeart Radio and a lot of other places.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (30:27.07)

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (30:30.406)
Great. And thank you. As for me, you will be able to find us on our website, the roadscientistproductions.com, where you can find our merchandise, links to my story on Candle Vella, the world beyond. You also have all of our Road Scientist social media platforms. The best way to support us is to like our podcast on your favorite podcast platform of choice and let others know how much you enjoyed the show. We want to thank our guest, Kim, for being on our show today and our listeners for joining us as well.

the_rogue_scientist_productions-1xrc (31:00.486)
podcast to all of those out there looking to start a new career in the arts such as acting, writing, music, comedy, and more. Always remember pursuing your passions is a bitch, but it's worth it. Thank you.

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